Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Let me just say, God is good. He is everything good. He works on our hearts and convicts us of things in order to do His good. I'm so thankful for this, because left up to ourselves, nothing would happen. God has done quite an amazing thing in our lives over the last few weeks. He has squeezed past the craziness and the clutter of our lives and has given us an amazing gift that we want to share with you…Faustina.

:::backing up:::
A few weeks ago Brandon and I decided that we had had enough of "commercialized Christmas." We were tired of going to the store with cash in hand to find something (anything) to give someone              (everyone) for no reason other than, hey, it's Christmas, we're supposed to, right?

Someone posted this picture on Facebook and, quite honestly, it rocked my whole world.

I was convicted. And when I say, "convicted," I mean I threw up a little…not really, but I wanted to. Disgusting. I was ashamed to be a part of such a selfish culture. Then I realized that while our culture is often self-absorbed God has given us the precious gift of options. Those children on the left have no options - they hope to receive their basic needs but they have nothing to give anyone. The women on the right have their basic needs met and the option to decide what to do with the rest. We are blessed with the ability/means/resources to give!

Brandon and I discussed it and decided once and for all that Christmas was going to be different. Don't get me wrong, we're all for gift-giving. I love coming across that perfect gift for so-and-so and being so excited about it that I can't WAIT to give it to them…and I usually don't wait. What I have a problem with is excess. And getting stressed out about finding something to wrap up and give someone when, to be honest, I have no idea what they would like…or what they need, if anything. 

So, we decided that the best gift we could give anyone this year is not a trinket that will need to be dusted every other week or a toy that will be played with for 5 minutes and cast aside. The best thing we could do is give the gift of purpose. Of a relationship. Of caring for someone on the other side of the world who desperately needs it. 

This year, please accept our gift to you all - Faustina. She is 5 years old and lives in Ghana, West Africa. She lives in a one-room tin home with her brothers, sisters, and her mother who is sometimes employed in the local market. In the names of you, our family and our dear friends, Faustina will be provided with food, clothes, medical care, and better educational opportunities throughout the coming year and beyond. 

Please join us in praying for Faustina regularly - for her health, for her provision, for her family, and most of all that she would hear of the love that our Messiah, our Savior, the God of the universe has for her. 
The same God that loves you and me loves this precious little girl. She is His princess. 

May your holiday season be a time of peace and thankfulness!

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